by Elizabeth O'Neal | Mar 31, 2018 |
What… he WHAT?
John M. Swanay had a run of crazy bad luck.
He headed to New York for what should have been a simple business trip. He checked into his hotel room, blew out the gas lamps and went to bed.
Two days later, he was dead.
What happened? And where did that snake come from?
by Elizabeth O'Neal | Mar 19, 2018 |
Not getting the results you want in your FamilySearch searches? Believe it or not, there’s an “art” to effective searching!
In this interview from RootsTech 2018, Robert Kehrer, FamilySearch Senior Product Manager, shares some tips and strategies for more effective searching on FamilySearch.
Learn how to navigate the unindexed records, use advanced search tools, get the most out of family tree hints, and find out what new developments are on the horizon at FamilySearch!
by Elizabeth O'Neal | Aug 12, 2017 |
Do your deceased ancestors still need their privacy? Probably not. But you might have marked them “private” without even realizing it.
There’s an easy way to fix that!
In this post, I’ll show you how to clean up your tree by pruning those pesky private ancestors. Your potential cousins will thank you.
by Elizabeth O'Neal | May 26, 2015 |
Online family trees are great for finding easy hints (shaky leaves) and collaborating with cousins, but you should always keep a backup copy on your home computer or somewhere else. Here’s how to download your tree.
by Elizabeth O'Neal | Feb 5, 2015 |
After many years together, I “broke up” with Blogger and moved to a self-hosted Wordpress platform. And you can, too! Check out my tips for moving your Blogger blog to Wordpress.